Generating Robust Polygonal Grids for MODFLOW-USG

Written by Jakab András on .

Generating Robust Polygonal Grids for MODFLOW-USG using Visual MODFLOW Flex

MODFLOW–USG is capable of simulating groundwater flow using a wide range of grid geometries. All of the grid information is characterized by the connectivity, connection lengths, connection flow areas, and cell areas and volumes. This information is provided to MODFLOW–USG in the unstructured discretization file (.DISU).

For accurate flux calculations, the Control Volume Finite Difference (CVFD) method requires certain geometrical properties pertaining to the cell connections. For most grid types, this means that the line connecting the centers of two cells should bisect the shared edge at right angles. This condition is satisfied by equilateral triangles, rectangles, regular polygons, as shown below. (Panday et. al., 2013).

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