Unlimited 1D River Modeling

  • Flood analysis and forecasting, alleviation design, dam break analysis
  • Reservoir and canal gate / structure operations optimization
  • Sediment transport, river morphology, salinity intrusion, ecological and water quality assessment



MIKE 11 is synonymous with top quality river modelling covering more application areas than any other river modelling package.

Typical MIKE 11 applications

  • Flood analysis and flood alleviation design studies
  • Real time flood forecasting
  • Dam break analysis
  • Optimisation of reservoir and canal gate / structure operations
  • Ecological and water quality assessments in rivers and wetlands
  • Sediment transport and river morphology studies
  • Salinity intrusion in rivers and estuaries
  • Wetland restoration studies


Flooding and Hydraulics

MIKE 11 provides an array of computational methods for steady and unsteady flow in branched and looped channel networks, and flood plains. MIKE 11 is applicable to flow conditions ranging from steep river flows to tidally influenced narrow estuaries, and describes subcritical and supercritical flow locally. MIKE 11 includes advanced formulations for simulating flow through a variety of standard structures as well as complex structures such as operational structure or dambreak structures.

Examples of applications are:

  • Flood assessment and mapping
  • Modelling of highly regulated canal systems
  • Complex multiple reservoir and canal operations
  • Dambreak studies


MIKE 11 has been used world-wide for flood forecasting, impact assessment, flood control design etc., under very different and severe conditions from highly developed areas with detailed information and advanced monitoring systems to less developed areas, where the information is limited.

A central element in MIKE 11's flood forecasting methodology is its ability to assimilate the latest observations of flow and water level and adjust any trends during the model simulation to optimise the accuracy of the forecast. Forecasts can be used to set up control strategies for reservoir operations, which will prevent or reduce flooding in the downstream reaches and avoid unnecessary waste of water resources.

Moreover, the forecasts form the basis for the dissemination of warnings to local authorities and the public. The forecasts provide information on the time scale and the extent of the flood inundation expected locally. Consequently, flood forecasting techniques constitute a viable and important tool within flood management.


MIKE 11 offers a unique possibility to simulate catchment runoff in many ways, from simple empirical rainfall-runoff methods to complex fully distributed process-based oriented modelling with MIKE SHE. The simpler rainfall-runoff methods include different approaches:

  • NAM: A lumped, conceptual rainfall-runoff model simulating overland flow, interflow and baseflow as a function of the water storage in each of four mutually interrelated storages representing the storage capacity of the catchment. The NAM method can take man-made interventions in the hydrological cycle such as irrigation and groundwater pumping into account.
  • The UHM module simulates the runoff from single storm events based on the unit hydrograph technique. A useful option in areas where no stream flow records are available or where the unit hydrograph technique is well-proven.
  • SMAP: A monthly soil moisture accounting model specifically useful when only monthly input data are available.
  • URBAN: Run-off methods specifically tailored to urban environments (chose between the time / area and the kinematic wave approach)
  • FEH: Catchment runoff estimation based on the UK Flood Estimation Handbook developed by CEH, Wallingford.
  • DRiFt: Semi-distributed rainfall-runoff - geomorhological approach.

MIKE 11 uses MIKE SHE's catchment process modules for the more advanced catchment applications where overland flow, soil water and ground water processes can be modelled in different ways. Linking to MIKE SHE processes allows also for hydrologic oriented river/flood plain applications with variable infiltraion / exfiltration and dynamic river-aquifer exchange of river-aquifer


With MIKE 11 you are able to investigate sediment transport problems of cohesive and non-cohesive sediments. MIKE 11 is applied for analysing:

  • Long-term morphological changes in the river
  • Erosion, transport, and deposition of contaminated and pulluting sediments
  • Optimisation of capital and maintenance of dredging for e.g. navigation
  • Sediment management in rivers and reservoirs
  • River restoration projects.

The sediment transport modules are conveniently divided into three separate modules, which can be applied depending of modelling scope:

  • MIKE 11 ACS for advanced simulation of erosion, deposition and transport of cohesive sediment (clay, silt)
  • MIKE 11 ST for simulation of erosion, deposition and transport of non-cohesive sediment (sand, gravel, boulders...)
  • MIKE 11 GST for simulation of erosion, deposition and transport of graded sediment (clay, silt, sand, gravel, boulders...).

Water Quality

Water quality in rivers and other surface water bodies are threatened by human activity, such as operation and regulation systems in rivers, land use, physical changes in the watershed area, water pollution from point and diffuse sources and the impact of recreational and leisure activities.

Based on a hydrodynamic MIKE 11 model, simulations can be expanded to study variations in temperature, advection-dispersion processes of solutes, and transformation of pollutants through the river system, providing unique capabilities for modeling and analysis of environmental conditions in rivers, canals and reservoirs. Discover ECO lab to study the problems related to water quality.

ECO Lab is a tool for ecological modeling, based on a stable and powerful system for solving differential equations. The processes are described using "Open" and predefined templates, which include standard formulations for tested water quality models. These templates can be optimised for adaptation to local water quality processes of by the user.


HD - Hydrodynamics


Distributed Hydrology



RR - Rainfall-Runoff


SO - Structure Operation


DB - Dam Break


AUTOCAL - Automatic Calibration


Stratified - Multilayered River Flow


FF - Flood Forecasting


ST/GST - Noncohesive Sediment


AD - Advection-Dispersion


ACS - Cohesive Sediment


ECO Lab - Ecological Modeling


GIS Extension



MIKE 11 Studio


MIKE 11 Entreprise


System Requirements

  • Operating Systems
    • Windows XP Professional SP4 (32-bit)
    • Windows Vista Business SP 2 (64-bit)
    • Windows 7 Professional SP1 (32- and 64-bit)
  • Processor: 2.0 GHz Intel Pentium or higher
  • Memory: 2 GB
  • Hard Drive: 40 GB
  • Monitor: SVGA resolution: 1024 x 768 x 16 bit
  • Graphic Card: 64 MB RAM (256 MB RAM or more recommended), 24-bit color
  • Media: DVD drive for dual-layer DVD (for installation)
  • File System: NTFS
  • Software Requirements: .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and .NET Framework 4.0 (Full Profile)