What's New in Visual MODFLOW Flex 2015.1

Support for MODFLOW-NWT

MODFLOW-NWT is an enhanced version of MODFLOW that improves solutions for unconfined groundwater-flow problems where rewetting of dry cells typically occur. This version of MODFLOW is ideal for mine dewatering simulations, or any other scenarios where cells can dry out.

Precise Cell Assignment and Editing

Easily assign hydraulic properties and inactive cells to the numerical grid by drawing polylines or polygons, or selecting individual grid cells. Boundary conditions can be easily copied to other layers within your numerical model.

Easier Definition of Pumping Wells

Visual MODFLOW Flex 2015.1 provides a more natural approach to defining pumping wells by allowing you to define wells and screens on a per-well level. For wells that are screened across multiple layers, Visual MODFLOW Flex automatically calculates the proportion of the total pumping rate assigned to each well grid cell in the model.

Improved Pumping Well Visualization

Visualize well screen intervals in cross-sectional views and render pumping well locations by pumping well attributes such as pumping rate or concentration values.

Flexible Handling of Time Series Data

Conveniently import, view or edit pumping schedule data in relative times (e.g. time starting at 0 days), in addition to absolute time (e.g., 04/22/2015).

Advanced Particle Tracking Options

Define pathline travel time and time marker frequency for MODPATH particle tracking simulations.

Cell-by-cell Visualization

Display the calculated total flux into and out of grid cells, including baseflow, to easily identify gaining/losing surface water bodies such as rivers.

Bug Fixes and Enhancements

Assign properties
Well Screen Visualization
Pumping Well Rendering
Pathlines with travel time